Search Results
DERB - Heathkit IM-28 - rotary switches
DERB - Heathkit IM-28 VTVM - The process begins
DERB - Heathkit IM-28 - Pot cleaning - Part 3
Stuck Switches
Heathkit IM 5228 VTVM Restoration Completed
The Heathkit IM-5284 Multimeter
HeathKit VTVM IM-13 Autopsy
DERB - Heathkit C-3 condenser checker - Face plate & grommets
Rotary Switch 2 Deck x 6 Pole / 3 Position
Compressor rotation switch
Use Of The Heathkit IT-28 For Capacitance & Leakage Testing With Low Value Capacitors
Heathkit IT-28 -- Part 3 -- Calibration